BIKE GAMES - Saturday @ 1:30
Three hours of jaw-dropping belly splitting hilarious bike games. Enter to win your share of $1,000 or just sit back, relax and watch others do the work. Simply sign up free of charge at 1 pm at the Main Bar. Games begin at 1:30 and end around 4:30.
Prize breakdown is First place $500, Second place $300, Third $200 with a minimum of 8 couples competing. In the rare event, we have less than 8 couples there will be a total of a $500 prize with first $250, second $100, third $50. Each couple must play all games to be eligible for a prize, must be 18 or older, 700 cc minimum motorcycle engine, and have signed the Release of Liability Waiver (provided at registration). We have the right to cancel, postpone, change prizes and amounts or reschedule if needed due to the weather or other unforeseen events.
BIKE SHOW - Saturday @ 12 pm
It's free to enter our People's Choice Bike Show. How much money can the winners take home? Up to $1,000. Just ride it to the front of the stage on Saturday by 12 pm. Line it up in the "Handlebar Corral". Place your lid aka helmet by the front tire and wait for the voting tickets to come. Winners are announced at 1 pm.
This is a ride-in bike show. Prize breakdown is First place $500, Second place $300, Third place $200 with a minimum of 25 bikes entering the bike show. In the rare event, we have less than 25 entries there will be a total of a $500 prize with first $250, second $100 and third $50. Previous winners must wait for two consecutive events to pass before entering a previous winning bike. In addition, no vendors, sponsors or people affiliated with vendors such as employees or family are eligible to enter the Bike Show.
We have the right to cancel, postpone, change prizes and amounts or reschedule if needed due to the weather or other unforeseen events.

Bike Show Winners Plus Past Entries
Fall Bike Show
- First Place at Thunder in the Smokies People's Bike Show. 17th Annual Fall Rally in Maggie Valley, NC.
- Second Place at Thunder in the Smokies People's Bike Show. 17th Annual Fall Rally in Maggie Valley, NC.
- Third Place at Thunder in the Smokies People's Bike Show. 17th Annual Fall Rally in Maggie Valley, NC.